Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lourdes to Betharram

I AM ON MY WAY! The first 18 kilometers are done. Plus, God made sure it wasn't too hot - overcast skies, but sure muggy. I went to 9am Mass in Lourdes this morning and then headed on the path to Santiago, which started by passing right in front of the grotto of Lourdes, then on a path through the woods, some country lanes and I'm here, and not feeling too bad. There were only two of us at the hostel last night, and he decided to spend a day at Lourdes, so I thought I was the only one on the trail, but about an hour and a half into the walk I met a pair of guys coming from a different branch of the trail. One a Frenchman who spoke good English, the other from Belgium, were on the way to Santiago also. So it was good to have a little company on the trail. But they were younger and in better shape and were going to try for another 6 kilometers yet today. I am going to take these first days as easy as I can, so I've already stopped for the day. Betharram is a sanctuary to the Blessed Mother. Bernadette often visited here, and miracles are attributed to her intercession. But Betharram is now almost completely eclipsed by Lourdes. The community here still welcomes pilgrims, so I have a bed here in a big old institutional building. Doubt there'll be much personal attention. But the little breakfast will be included tomorrow.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any WiFi here or anywhere in the village. Since there wasn't any at yesterday's hostel either, and I didn't have time to go use some public place in Lourdes before I left, I'm sorry it's taken so long for these to get on my blog. It seems as if this first week before St Jean Pied du Port will be pretty remote. And while people around here are used to having pilgrims come through, they don't get the numbers that the French route will have and thus aren't set up for their needs. So a pilgrimage is about trusting in God to take care of you, so join my pilgrimage and trust, when you don't hear from me for awhile, that I am fine and be patient. But keep the prayers coming anyway. You all are in mine. God Bless.
Seems as I if there is WiFi, so got these sent off. Don't know the next time will be. I'll send updates whenever I can.