Friday, May 2, 2014


Got to Bourges this morning. I never heard of Bourges, until I began reading about gothic cathedrals. It was an important city/cathedral at one time. The cathedral is unique and magnificent like all the others I've seen. It's unique in several ways: it has five naves, or if you wish, one nave with double aisles on each side. The central nave is the tallest, then the next two aisles, very tall but shorter, and the outer aisles smaller, like a pyramid. Nor is it in the usual cross shape, but just a straight church. The five naves each have a great portal (door) on the west facade. They are pretty impressive, but must of really been magnificent at one time each lined with two tiers of life sized statues of the Saints; sadly the nitches are all but empty. It too has some pretty impressive XIII th century stained glass windows.
There was a funeral there this morning, (glad the church is still active) but they closed off the aisles behind the altar for the service, which went for an hour and a half, and I was almost afraid I wouldn't get to see or photograph the stained glass back there, as I had decided not to stay too long, but luckily everything worked out. Got some great photos, I hope.
Bourges is another old town, with a nice old section. It would probably be a great place to explore, but I'm getting anxious to be moving on, so I'm on the train again heading for Nevers.