Thursday, June 26, 2014

Palas de Rei

Thursday, June 26
Another day of pretty good walking. Fr Paul's leg was stiff and aching, but no sharp pain. My feet are tired and tender, but again no blisters. Typical Galacian weather - cool and cloudy most of the day, very nice for walking and no worry about sunburn or heat stroke. The path was generally going up, but never anything too drastic. Lots of small towns, always a cafe to stop at for a little strengthening, and always a lot of people, mostly young people out hiking, and speeding down the path. We wonder about their pilgrimage intention sometime, but we are commanded not to judge, and so we pray that God will touch each of their hearts.
Last night the first hostel we tried was full, but for a little more money we could have a room in the hotel. We took that and it was nice. Today as we were coming into Palas de Rei, someone handed us an ad for a new hostel, promising plenty of beds. We easily got beds, but it is still a crowded dorm with 5 bunk beds, ten people in a room. But we are only looking for a place to sleep, and we'll be gone in the morning.
I realized today that I left Lourdes 50 days ago, and we are on schedule to be in Santiago in 3 days! Wow, it's hard to believe I've managed so long, and that it's almost over. It needs to be over to give my feet and body a good rest, but it's sad to see this time coming to an end. It needs to be over in order to get back to the 'real' world, but this has been a 'real' time of grace from Christ, and I am blessed for having done this Camino. I pray for you all, may God guide and bless your Camino through life.