Sunday, June 8, 2014


It would be very hard (and ungrateful) to complain about today. The weather was practically perfect, not too hot, not too cold or windy, and the Way was level and straight. There's just nothing much to write about. The most exciting thing was that we were walking on an old Roman road, the Via Aquataine. Or at least we were walking on the foundation of the Road laid down by the Romans more than 2000 years ago, and still supporting a roadway even today. So we know that the medieval pilgrim walked this exact same path.
When we left Carrión this morning, the guide books warned that there was a 10.5 mile stretch of the trail without any fountains or cafés. This was supposed to be the hard, boring stretch. Thankfully some enterprising person set up a snack bar about half way along, with cold drinks and sandwiches. So I had a hamburger and Coke. It hit the spot.
I had gotten on the trail early, about 6:45, and reached the town I was heading for about 11:15 and could have stopped, but decided to go on to the next town, and did so. I'm here in Ledigos and resting as there is absolutely nothing here in this tiny village.
My prayers are for you all, that each might receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost and every day.