Well the woodturning classes are over and I have a few days of vacation. This must have been one of those, as long as you are here, you may as well. ... As long as you're already in France, you may as well go see some of the cathedrals you didn't see last year. Yeah sounds good, I just should have looked more closely and figured out a little closer how far these cathedrals are I want to visit.
Leaving Aiguines was a beautiful drive. Each village has a unique and ancient history, there was just to much to see. I did stop at one grand old church, in some small town, but then just pushed on. And it became a push too. After the country roads,it became expedient to get on the highways and try to cover some ground, only to be backed up in traffic jams all over the place. I'm sure it was a solid 45 minutes, stop and go, to get through the toll both at one point. I hope it was because it was a Saturday that the roads were so crazy. But that being said I really had no problem, and even came straight to my room here in Narbonne. Left at 8 am and got here at 3pm.
After a little rest, I realized that there might be Mass at 5 or 6 at the cathedral. At least I already have one of the cathedrals checked off the list. It's a nice little gothic cathedral, but nothing like the great cathedrals of northern France. But there was no Mass there. Mass would be a at St. Paul's basilica, in another part of town, at 6 pm. So I had my tourist map and headed in that direction. Found it in plenty of time, and stayed for Mass. Actually they did a pretty nice job. There was a great organ sound that really filed the space and it was really prayerful and peaceful. I wonder why that kind of peace and otherworldlyness doesn't appeal to the younger generation. I think they should try it, they just might like it.
Thinking of you all, God bless.
Hope this goes off, now is a question of finding a WiFi connection a and actually getting connected. Last night I couldn't get connected although I should have been able. I'll try Sunday morning.